Mrs. Kurtz's
       English Classes    
Education is the most powerful weapon
which you can use to change the world ~Nelson Mandela
Sixth Grade Seventh Grade Eighth Grade
Sixth Grade Seventh Grade Eighth Grade

First Quarter
1.  The Sentence
2.  Parts of Speech Overview
3.  Parts of Speech Overview Part II
4.  Family Profile
5.  Complements/ Direct and Indirect Objects

Second Quarter
1.  The Phrase -- Prepositional, Verbal, and Appositive Phrases
2.  The Clause -- Independent Clauses and Subordinate Clauses
3.  Sentence Structure -- The Four Basic Sentence Structures
4.  Agreement -- Subject and Verb, Pronoun and Antecedent
Third Quarter
1.  Using Verbs Correctly -- Principal Parts, Regular and Irregular Verbs
2.  Using Pronouns Correctly -- Case Forms of Pronouns; Special Pronoun Problems
3.  Using Modifiers Correctly -- Comparison and Placement
4.  A Glossary of Usage -- Common Usage Problems
5.  Capital Letters -- Rules for Capitalization

Fourth Quarter
1.  Punctuation -- End Marks, Commas, Semicolons, and Colons
2.  Punctuation II -- Underlining (Italics), Quotation Marks, Apostrophes, Hyphens, Parentheses, Brackets, Dashes
3.  Spelling
4.  Correcting Common Errors